What a cast... and what little do they do with it. Susan Sarandon only appears in the first half hour of the movie,once or twice, which i thought was a big mistake, Stanley Tucci we rarely see which was ,also, a shame since his interactions with Shia LaBeouf were one of the best parts of the movie and Anna Kendrick is just in the movie so that Shia Lebeouf can have access in the FBI. There were way too many characters in the movie which made it hard to unravel any relationships between them. Robert Redford's character was a little boring as was the plot of the film after a while.Shia LaBeous's character on the other hand was very interesting, from what i can tell from the little we learn about him.If the movie had as main character only Shia LaBeouf and his effort to learn the truth it would have been much better.Furthermore and as i pointed out earlier the plot lacked suspense and excitement and the film was overall too long.Finally, the ending where e Pveryone turned out to be a good person and do the right thing was a little unoriginal and predictable.
Sony Pictures Classics
Any sense of mystery The Great Gatsby started with was gone by the middle of the film. At first Gatsby was supposed to be this mysterious man that no one knew how he looked and no one had ever really seen. 5 minutes later everyone knew who Gatsby was and how he looked like. Also i got the sense that his romance with Daisy was mostly in his head and that he was stuck in the past.That's why his scenes with her felt a little awkward.
The one character i actually liked was Nick for whom ,though,we learned nothing throughout the film.So in fact Nick turned out to be more mysterious than The Great Gatsby himself.Finally i haven't read the book and i couldn't understand from this movie why Gatsby was so great,i just saw a deluded man stuck in the past.In conclusion i enjoyed the first half of the movie because i thought it would go in a different direction , which it ended up not doing, and i also really enjoyed the costumes,the wealth and the old-timeness of the film.
Warner Bros. Pictures
Very powerful movie.I loved the chemistry between Helen Hunt and John Hawkes.I , also, loved that the main parts of the movie where either in the motel,the church or his house. I thought the simplicity of the locations made it easier to focus on the characters and their relationships. I didn't buy the marriage between Helen Hunt and her husband, i didn't see any real love between them which made it that much harder to see her end up with him rather than John Hawkes's character.
What i really had a problem with was the ending. It really seemed out of the blue for me. We spent the most part of the movie learning about Helen's and John's feelings and relationship while we met Susan in the last ten minutes. Other than that it was a great and very strong movie and I strongly recommend it.
FOX Searchlight Pictures
Great movie,great actors,great plot.I loved Sam Rockwell his character was the most believable psychopath,his acting was great and he had some funny bits during the movie.I ,also, really enjoyed Colin Farrell's character i thought although he started the movie being a little bit of a jerk he tourned out to be a very likable character.What i,also, really liked was that by the end all the psychopaths got what they deserved more or less.
One of the things i didn't like was that the kaya character as well as one of the psychopaths Maggie where introduced to the movie but their characters where never developed (which is ironically mentioned in the movie).I ,also, found Marty's reaction to the news that his best friend was a killer a little unconvincing and too calm and moreover i thought that he should have figured it out a little sooner cause there were a lot of hints.Finally i found the really last ending a little unnecessary.Nonetheless a great movie and a must see for all the movie buffs out there.
Momentum Pictures
CBS Films